Found Year: 1998 Who Discovered It: The High-Z Supernova Search Team and the Supernova Cosmology Project Place: The Universe The Supernova Cosmology Project and The High-Z Supernova Search Team, two separate projects, came to the conclusion in 1998 that the universe is expanding faster than before. The 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics was given to Saul Perlmutter, Brian P. Schmidt, and Adam G. Riess in recognition of this finding.
Found Year: 2016. Who Found It: Escudé, Anglada, et al. Location: Alpha Centauri, a triple star system Proxima Centauri b, sometimes referred to as Proxima b and Alpha Centauri Cb, is an exoplanet circling the red dwarf star Proxima Centauri, which is the closest star to the sun, in the habitable zone. Proxima b is the nearest known exoplanet to the Solar System, along with Proxima c and Proxima d, and is located around 4.2 light-years from Earth.