7. Odd Bubbles
Found Year: 2010
NASA is the one who discovered it.
Where: The Milky Way Galaxy
Thanks to the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, NASA astronomers found massive bubbles in the Milky Way in November 2010. The source of the extremely potent gamma rays that make up the bubbles is still a mystery. Whatever transpired in the centre of the Milky Way to cause these bubbles is thought to have happened millions of years ago, according to astronomers.

Unusual Bubbles ©Vladi333/Shutterstock
The bubbles in our Milky Way Galaxy are expanding at a speed of 2.2 million miles per hour and are positioned both above and below the black hole Sagittarius A. When the two bubbles come into contact, they visually form an eight or a sideways infinity symbol. Fermi Bubbles is the name given to the bubbles.
8. The Star of Przybylski
Found Year: 1961
Who Found It: Przybylski, Antoni
Where: Centaurus
Ap stars that oscillate quickly are those that finish one oscillation within five and twenty-three minutes. Przybylski's Star (HD 101065), which oscillates at about 355 light-years from the Sun, is one of these stars.

Star of Przybylski ©Sebman81/Wikimedia
Polish-Australian astronomer Antoni Przybylski made the discovery of it in 1961. It is situated in the southern constellation of Centaurus. The Przybylski's Star was found to pulse photometrically with a period of 12.15 minutes in 1978. Technetium and promethium are known to be radioactive elements present in the star today.