15 Strange and Mysterious Space Findings That'll Leave You Wondering.

13. Borisov/Comet 2I

Found Year: 2018. It was discovered by Sergey Borisov. Location: N/A 2I/Borisov is the second interstellar invader after ϻOumuamua and the first known rogue comet. Gennadiy Borisov, a Crimean amateur astronomer and telescope manufacturer, made the discovery of the comet in August 2019. The rogue comet, which is not connected to the Sun, travelled through the Solar System's ecliptic in October 2019.

Comet 2I/Borisov ©NASA, D. Jewitt/Wikimedia, and ESA The comet's tail was discovered to be 14 times larger than Earth in November 2019, according to Yale University scientists, who also observed that "it is humbling to realise how small Earth is next to this visitor from another solar system."

14. Pasta Nuclear

Found Year: 2013. D. G. Ravenhall, C. J. Pethick, and J. R. Wilson were the ones who found it. Place: Not specified Remaining material from a dead star made of the strongest material in the cosmos, also known as nuclear pasta. The name comes from the fact that protons and neutrons in the dried-up shell of a star may withstand extreme gravitational pressure and wind up squished into tangles of material that resemble linguini.

Nuclear Pasta, Penn State / Yahoo.com, @Nahks Tr'Ehnl As of this writing, much of our knowledge on nuclear spaghetti in neutron stars comes from theoretical calculations. Matthew Caplan, a postdoctoral research fellow at McGill University, states that "many astrophysics problems are relevant to the strength of the neutron star crust, especially the bottom of the crust, but it is not well understood."

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