Bizarre Thrift Treasures That'll Leave You Stunned

5. Radio Owl

Located at: Not sure Value Estimate: $20* Even now, people still adore the famous owl from the 1981 film Clash of the Titans. Many would do anything to acquire a real-life facsimile of this Greek mythological figure because it brings back memories of their early years. A mechanical replica of the goddess Athena's favorite owl, Bubo, was dispatched to assist the adventurer Perseus on his travels.

Reddit Owl Radio r/ThriftStoreHauls This person was astonished to see a $20, perfectly-sized replica of the owl in the neighborhood thrift store. However, upon closer examination, the owl reveals that it's actually a radio rather than just a piece of décor. We have to acknowledge how fortunate this was to be located, as the radio was in fine working order despite likely being several decades old.

6. The Cursed Picture Frame

Located at: Not sure Value Estimated: $1.99*The oddest photographs may be found in thrift store photo frames, and you frequently wonder why the owner felt the need to display them. Sometimes, though, you'll come across one that's so bizarre, it's actually alarming, and you'll have to ask yourself, Why is there one at all?

Reddit/ThriftStoreHauls/Cursed Photo Frame The image of this terrifying silhouette defies logic, and we must ask ourselves what kind of room this would fit in. We can't really think of anything else to use this for, though, on second thought, it would make the ideal Halloween décor to give your guests the creeps. Perhaps it is the exact reason something is retailing for such a low amount.

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