Bizarre Thrift Treasures That'll Leave You Stunned

9. Timepiece

Located at: Goodwill Value Estimated: $14* You may browse the thrift store for something more wacky and endearing, or you could head to Walmart and select any ordinary wall clock. Although it might not be the first item that catches your eye, this enormous timepiece will make an intriguing wall piece.

Watch the clock on Reddit/ThriftStoreHauls. This person has been looking for a watch clock since he learned that they were a thing. Well done for finding this amazing deal at Goodwill for just $14. Anyone who enjoys other objects from the 1980s will really love this clock because it has a very 80s vibe to it.

10. The panic sweatshirt

Located at: Goodwill Value Estimate: $2* The style of secondhand stores is unmatched. It will take some searching to locate something truly unique, but once you do, you won't be able to get out of the store without buying it. Finding anything that accurately describes your emotional condition makes it even better and eliminates the need for you to strike up conversations with total strangers.

Reddit/r/ThriftStoreHauls/Panic Sweatshirt These are the kinds of sentences that one would expect to read on Tumblr, so this sweater looks like it came straight out of the platform. Fans of Panic at the Disco will particularly love having this hoodie because it is quite famous.

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