5. Tiara's cameo
Princess Victoria wore it.
Ownership Span: 1805–1809 (precise date is in dispute)
Value Approximation: $2.31 million*
Among the tiaras on this list with the most history is the Cameo Tiara. Numerous royals have worn the Cameo Tiara, including Princess Victoria at her nuptials. Day. Since the early 1800s, the Cameo Tiara has been around. Empress Josephine had it, and during the last years of their marriage, her husband Napoleon had it created for her.

Princess Victoria's Cameo Tiara via Swedish Royal Jewels, Royal Fashions, and Pinterest
There are seven cameos (oval-shaped carved portraits) in the Cameo Tiara. The reason the cameos in the Tiara are so dissimilar in size and appearance is because each one was created separately; they were never meant to be created as a group. A priceless item in the Swedish Royal Gem vaults is the Cameo Tiara.
6. Another Canadian Maple Leaf Brooch
Wearer: Kate Middleton
Since 1939, the owner
Value Estimate: $1–$2 million*
One of Her Majesty's largest brooches, the Canadian Maple Leaf Brooch, was originally owned by Queen Elizabeth II and was worn by Kate Middleton. It is sliced into the form of the sugar maple, or Acer saccharum, which is Canada's national tree. Since 1868, the maple leaf has represented Canada.

Maple Leaf Brooch, Made in Canada Kate Middleton on Pinterest, the Daily Mail, and the Daily Mirror
The diamonds of the Maple Leaf Brooch are placed into the mount in both baguette and brilliant cut styles. The brooch was purchased for his wife in 1939 by King George VI. In 1939, the Royal family was en route to Canada for a state visit. When the Royals traveled on the eve of World War II, large crowds came to see them.