1. Hole in Aeroplane Window
The Best Store to Buy From: Unknown
Product Price on Average: Unknown
Have you ever been on an aeroplane and been idly gazing out the window at the formations of the clouds when you noticed a tiny hole in the middle of the window at the bottom of the aircraft? We've discovered the bottom of that small hole, which has long piqued curiosity.
Pressure's Aeroplane Window Hole by Chris Waits /
Because of the way aeroplanes are built, the little hole in the window is necessary to balance the air pressure and keep the passenger compartment safe. Thus, the next time you take a flight, keep in mind that the seemingly small thing could actually save a life.
2. Packets of Silica
The Best Store to Buy From: Unknown
The average product cost is $0.
If you have ever purchased any kind of product—food, clothing, or shoes—you have undoubtedly encountered a little, white packet with the words "DO NOT EAT" on it. Although this silica packet appears to be disposable, it serves a vital function by absorbing moisture.
Packets of silica absorb moisture. ©Shutterstock / Jakkrit Pimpru
Water vapour is absorbed and retained by silica packets, preventing damage to goods and food. Since silica is a desiccant, it serves as a drying agent as your shipment travels. Naturally, as soon as your delivery arrives, you should discard the desiccant right away because it is extremely toxic to children and animals.