Top 13 Incredible Photos Captured by Everyday Drones

7. Homecoming

Perhaps Used Drone: MJX Bugs 3 Pro Purchase Location: Walmart Price: $267.99* "Homecoming," which won numerous awards in competitions under the "Wildlife" category, is another one of Mehmet Aslan's creations. In "Homecoming," a herd of water buffalo traveled over a misted lake on their way to a place of refuge where they would spend the night.

Mehmet Aslan/ The picture has a captivating painting-like aspect due to the lovely rainbow that is included in it. Turkey is where the picture was taken. A million water buffaloes lived in Turkey in the 1970s, but due to wetland degradation, by 2010, there were just 85,000 left. The MJX Bugs 3 Pro is among the greatest drones for taking pictures of nature like this one.

8. Black Flag Protest

Potential Drone: Anafi the Parrot Purchase Location: Best Buy Price: $699.* Despite the devastation that 2020 has caused many nations, individuals are still determined to protest for causes that are important to them. A single image called "Black Flag" demonstrated it. Captured in Rabin Square on April 19, 2020, the image displayed thousands of Israeli demonstrators preserving social distancing within their own squares marked with chalk. @tomerappelbaum The image by Tomer Appelbaum demonstrated that activism endures despite hardship. This picture was probably captured at night with a drone like the Parrot Anafi, which is a durable little drone that has been rated as one of the greatest drones for taking nighttime photos.

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